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南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 宋涛 秦千惠)近日,AG真人国际牛文娟副教授课题组和中国农业科学院姚宗路研究员在农林生物质热化学转化及其储能应用领域取得新进展,相关研究成果以“Optimization of multiscale structure and electrochemical properties of bamboo-based porous activated biochar by coordinated regulation of activation and air oxidation”为题在Chemical Engineering Journal发表。该研究是关于一种环保、节能、性能优越的竹基多孔活性炭的制备方法,探索了协同调控工艺的最佳反应温度以及多孔活性炭的多尺度理化结构对电化学性能的作用机理,并通过密度泛函理论计算,探讨了活性炭的表面含氧官能团对其电化学活性和输运的影响机制。

近年来,农林生物质凭借其碳中和的优势受到越来越多的关注。竹子作为重要的森林资源之一,可作为家具、纸巾等产品的原材料,在生产过程中产生的大量竹屑废弃物是一种有待进一步开发利用的生物质资源。自 21 世纪以来,通过热化学转化技术将农林生物质转化为多孔活性炭材料已被公认为是一项前景广阔的方法,该方法可以较大程度地回收生物质中的碳元素,减少碳元素的大气迁移,有助于我国“碳中和”目标的实现,环境效益显著。同时,生物质多孔活性炭具有高比表面积、发达的孔隙结构和高理化稳定性的优点,可作为超级电容器的电极材料应用于储能领域。目前,多孔活性炭的制备常常依赖于过高的温度条件及过量的化学药剂,制备过程能耗较高,且伴随着强酸强碱腐蚀设备、污染环境的安全及环保问题。因此,开发新型的降本提质工艺,对于提升多孔活性炭的电化学性能及经济效益具有重要意义。基于此,研究以废弃竹屑为原料,通过低温预炭化(450℃)、中高温ZnCl2活化(400~800℃)和低温空气氧化(250~350℃)的协同工艺,将废弃竹屑转化为竹基多孔活性炭。其中,空气氧化被安排在中高温活化后的冷却阶段,反应条件温和,无需添加额外的化学活化剂,清洁环保且经济成本低廉。

图1 竹基多孔活性炭的制备流程及多尺度特性一览

图1 竹基多孔活性炭的制备流程及多尺度特性一览


图2 竹基多孔活性炭的表面元素及官能团分布

图2 竹基多孔活性炭的表面元素及官能团分布

与其它生物质衍生碳材料相比,在化学活化剂添加量较低的情况下,由中温活化和低温空气氧化协同工艺制备的多孔活性炭电极材料展示了更优异的结构和电化学性能。在600℃活化和350℃氧化的条件下制备的PAB-600-350多孔活性炭的比电容为256 F/g,而由PAB-600-350多孔活性炭制备的对称电容器可在225 W/kg的功率密度下,提供12.54 Wh/kg的可观能量密度,可以点亮小彩灯(额定电压2V)300 s以上。中温活化和低温空气氧化协同作为一种环保、节能、性能优越的多孔活性炭调控优化方法,与我国绿色可持续和碳中和的发展理念相契合,可为农林生物质的高效节能转化和高值化利用提供理论基础和技术支撑。

图3 竹基多孔活性炭的电化学性能及应用潜力

图3 竹基多孔活性炭的电化学性能及应用潜力




Activated biochar prepared by a single pyrolysis process often has poor pore structure and insufficient surface oxygen-containing groups, which severely inhibit its application in supercapacitors. Herein, we synthesized bamboo-based porous activated biochar (PAB) via coordinated regulation including carbonization at 450 ℃, ZnCl2 activation at 400~800 ℃, and air oxidation at 200~350 ℃. The results showed that the coordinated regulation could efficiently improve the physicochemical structure and electrochemical properties of PAB. Air oxidation exhibited an obvious improving effect on the activated carbon prepared with mid-temperature activation (optimal at 600 ℃), which was strengthened with increasing oxidation temperature from 200 ℃ to 350 ℃. Air oxidation following 600 ℃ activation could improve the mesoporous rate by etching the pore, and simultaneously introduce more oxygen-containing groups such as carbonyl (C=O) and carboxyl (-COOH) groups, which could enhance the wettability of PAB. The optimal synergistic temperature of ZnCl2 activation and air oxidation was 600 ℃ and 350 ℃ (PAB-600-350), respectively. PAB-600-350 is a wonderful supercapacitor electrode material with a higher surface oxygen content (20.74%) and a superior mesoporous rate (35%). At 1 A/g, PAB-600-350 showed the highest capacitance of 256 F/g, which was 2-fold that of PAB-600 (128 F/g). PAB-600-350 capacitors also supplied an excellent energy density of 12.54 Wh/kg at the power density of 225 W/kg in 1 M Na2SO4 electrolyte. Furthermore, a density functional theory (DFT) analysis was performed to investigate the interaction between PAB and electrolyte ions. The results showed that oxygen-containing functional groups on the surface can increase the dipole moment of the material and enhance the adsorption of PAB for electrolyte ions (K+).

